The Liberal Party was founded in 1880s to oppose Bernardino Caballero and the Colorado Party. The party won the presidency in 1904 and lost support thanks to the Chaco War. After that the Liberal Party never recovered and under Stroessner, it became illegal. It was mostly ineffective and inept in challenging the Colorado Party after and during the Stroessner regime.
Many members of the Liberal Party were imprisoned, tortured, killed or exiled from the country during the Stroessner dictatorship.
Out of the ashes of the Liberal Party rose what is currently Paraguay’s biggest opposition party, the Partido Liberal Radical Auténtico (PLRA). The PLRA finally won back power in 2008 thourgh its alliance with Fernando Lugo and other parties in the presidential election.
The PLRA is currently the second largest and popular political party in Paraguay. The current vicepresident, Federico Franco, belongs to the party.
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