Soccer (futbol or football as we call it in the rest of the world) is the most popular sport in Paraguay. Paraguayans are divided into what teams in the national league they support. But usually everyone supports the national team.
The Paraguayan soccer league was formed in 1906 and the first national team was formed in 1910.
The national team is called the "albirroja" because of the stripes in the uniform. Paraguay had the honor of participating in the first World Cup in 1930. It also classified in 1950, 1958 and 1986 before the recent times of success. Paraguay also won the 1953 and 1979 versions of the Copa America.
The albirroja has done well in recent times. It has classified for the last three world cups in 1998, 2002 and 2006 world cups. It is also on top of the classifing table for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. Only a disaster

Many great players have played for the national team in the last 15 years. Some of them are Jose Luis Chilavert, Celso Ayala, Carlos Paredes, Miguel Benitez, Carlos Gamarra, Jose Cardozo, Francisco Arce, Denis Caniza, Roque Santacruz, Julio Caceres, Nelson Cuevas, Gabriel Gonzalez, Salvador Cabañas, Roberto Acuña, Luis Monzon, Adriano Samaniego and Claudio Morel.
Other great players from earlier times include: Romerito, Aurelio Gonzalez, Saturnino Arrua, Roberto Fernandez, Eugenio Morel and Juan Villalba.
Arsenio Erico, Paraguay's greates player, never played an official game with the national team. He is often compared in greatness to Pele and Maradona.
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